Aggiornate le patch notes sul server di prova - GROSSE nuove

Aperto da PaolOh, Gennaio 21, 2012, 07:03:12 PM

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Altri cambiamenti in aggiunta a quelli gia riportati all'inizio, aggiorno anche il primo post:

[spoiler]1.7 In-Progress Set #3 - 1/25/12
 * Mounting now cancels auto-attack, preventing you from accidentally dismounting due to an attack firing.

 * Reduced the mana cost of Area-of-Effect Heals.

 * Reparation: Now able to heal other party/raid members using Reparation. Healing from Reparation will not affect players with Mien of Honor currently active.


 * Lightning Burst: No longer has a damage penalty in PvP.

 * Degeneration: Ability added to the Dominator soul, obtained at 10 points. Now has a 15 second cooldown and can affect NPCs.

 * Burning Bright: No longer gives separate bonuses for PvE and PvP.
 * Cinder Burst: Damage now reduced by 15% in PvP, instead of a 20% reduction.
 * Fulminate: Damage now reduced by 15% in PvP, instead of 20%.
 * Inferno: Now gives 10 Charge when cast.

 * Warfronts: The quests given in Port Scion are now automatically removed when your character leaves the Warfront.
 * Warfront: Stockpile - Black Garden: The leaderboard now displays the number of stones you've carried throughout the game properly.
 * Coin is now granted for completing Warfronts.
 * Rank 25 and Rank 36 Two-Handed Swords now available for Defiants.
 * Rank 25 and Rank 36 Axes now available for Guardians.

 * Characters of level 47+ now have a choice between 3 Plaques of Achievement or a random blue-quality item when they complete a random standard dungeon via LFG.
 * New epic-quality loot has been added to the Chronicles for Greenscale's Blight, Hammerknell, and River of Souls.
 * Sub-bosses in the Greenscale's Blight Chronicle now drop Plaques of Achievement.
 * New epic-quality loot has been added to standard Abyssal Precipice, standard Charmer's Caldera, and standard Caduceus Rise.
 * End bosses in standard Abyssal Precipice, Charmer's Caldera, and Caduceus Rise now drop Plaques of Achievement when defeated.

 * Rift-type content now takes gear into consideration when scaling, and will be slightly more difficult in the presence of highly geared characters.

 * Additional Planar Attunement experience is now granted for level 50 characters doing Instant Adventure.

 * Added a tutorial tip for new arrivals to Ember Isle that gives a heads-up about the potential difficulty of content on the island.

 * Set Leader, Promote Assistant, and Demote Assistant menu options are now available through the Raid UI right-click menu while in Warfronts.
 * Promote Assistant and Demote Assistant menu options are now available in the right-click menu on target, party, or raid member displays.
 * The Abilities listing in the menu tray now glows when you have untrained abilities.
 * Tooltips now properly display whether an ability is a ranged or melee effect based on the ability's use range and not general category.

 * If you use the Randomize button after making changes to the character you are creating, there's now a warning prompt before it changes any settings.

 * Fixed the Way of Water trinket.
 * Earth Burst should now show the proper values when looking at the effect tooltip.
 * Purifier - PTS FIX: Rise of the Phoenix - now known as Flash of the Phoenix.
 * Purifier - PTS FIX: Gathering of the Ancestors: Now has an actual 30 second cooldown.

 * Fixed removal of PvP souls on inactive roles.
 * Reduced the bonuses granted from Rank 40 PvP Synergy Crystals.
 * PvP Planar Attunement Changes:
 - Berserker Defense: Removed Armor buff, added 2% damage reduction.
 - Grip Like Steel: Duration of disarm effects reduced by 10% per point.
 - Guard: Updated tooltip to indicate that it only works in PvP combat.
 - Last Gasp: Duration of silence effects reduced by 10% per point.
 - Phase Shift: Replaced with Rune Shield.
 - Resilient: Critical reduction now 1% per point spent.
 - Take Cover: Damage reduction now 2% per point spent.
 - Thunderous Leap: Removed stun component and replaced with an interrupt.
 - Total Defiance: Renamed to Total Defense.
 - Strength of Will: Duration of stun effects reduced by 10% per point.[/spoiler]
[align=center]DON\'T PANIC[/align]
[align=center]The doctor is IN (psychiatric help 5c)[/align]


il solo pensare alla PRIMA NOTTE con un nano/nana mi intristisce :asd:
(chissà se il detto....donna nana tutta tana è vero :asd:)



asd ma quello alla batteria è Renjii????


La domanda è chi vorrà Unirsi in Matrimonio con...

[size=150]Gorthano il Nano più Romantico e Carismatico di Telara![/size]


Citazione di: "Weisse"adesso gorthano e rengi e ganjino rialzeranno la cresta!

almeno vediamo spuntare qualcosa dalle pozzanghere...  :asd:  :asd:  :asd:
[align=center]DON\'T PANIC[/align]
[align=center]The doctor is IN (psychiatric help 5c)[/align]


Bellissima patch: soprattutto i pvp rift e le placchex exp ecc

"non ci saranno piu' nani che affogano nelle pozzanghere e vengono disarcionati :D"

adesso gorthano e rengi e ganjino rialzeranno la cresta!


Citazione di: "valerye"non ho capito il craft ...qualcuno mi illumina?

per le altre novità...dalla mia totale inesperienza direi che non sono male...sopratutto il vendor di placche con le planarite.

Al momento per craftare qualcosa devi averlo nella borsa e andare dall'"attrezzo" relativo (la forgia, il banco da lavoro ecc..) con relativo sbattimento di passare dalla tua banca, vuotare le borse se sono piene, prendere gli inredienti che ti servono e rimettee tutto a posto dopo.
Dopo la patch bastera' andare a creare le cose direttamente, gli ingredienti verranno prelevati automaticamente dalla banca senza sbattimenti.

Per il vendor di placche.. hmm... non e' proprio cosi', con le placche delle instances o con le planarite potrai comrare dei cristalli per avanzare come XP che a loro volta ti sbloccheranno i livelli del planar attunement
[align=center]DON\'T PANIC[/align]
[align=center]The doctor is IN (psychiatric help 5c)[/align]


non ho capito il craft ...qualcuno mi illumina?

per le altre novità...dalla mia totale inesperienza direi che non sono male...sopratutto il vendor di placche con le planarite.


Citazione di: "mammuttina"porca misera ho comprato un milione di minor catalist :(

Tienili, dopo la patch non li compra piu' nessuno e all'asta avranno dei prezzi senza senso
[align=center]DON\'T PANIC[/align]
[align=center]The doctor is IN (psychiatric help 5c)[/align]


porca misera ho comprato un milione di minor catalist :(


Comprare inscribed e exp mi gusta un casino ho una fracca di placchette ferme per nulla


Altra sorpresa dal Server di test...

Chi ha una migliaiata di placche "old style" puo' usarle per comprare cristalliche danno 100K di XP per il planar attunement:


Con le planariti potete anche comprarvi inscribed o cristalli per gli XP della Planar Attunement


Qui un immagine del nuovo planar attunement con il ramo "War" dedicato al pvp:


E qui un immagine della videata delle build con i 6 slot (in basso) e le guide alle combinazioni gia' predefinite per i nuovi player.. qui ad esempio il chlorolock con le spiegazioni di come funziona

[align=center]DON\'T PANIC[/align]
[align=center]The doctor is IN (psychiatric help 5c)[/align]


1) Finalmente iol sesto role! Mi serviva proprio un role dedicato alle varie prove!!
2) La riduzione dell'armor per noi rogue riportera' il Sabo un po' piu' in alto? Mah..speriamo! Per i PvP rift, meno male si siono decisi a farne partire uno alla volta..almeno portera' sicuramente un po' di Open PvP...per ora abbiamo sempre visto guardian aprire un PvP rift a Shimmer e i defiant a Iron Pine...cioe'...NO COMMENT!
3) Il PA dedicato al PvP permettera' una costruzione di build PvP ancora piu' completa!
4) Joinare i WF da mercenari sembra essere interessante, pero' potrebbero mettere dei reward particolari o qualcosa che ti inviti a joinarli in questa modalita'! Vedremo!
5) Il matrimonio....mhmhm...IO VOGLIO IL CULO DI SAMANTAH! ahahah
6) Il discorso del craft che ti va a prendere automaticamente gli item dalla banca e' molto utile e soprattutto ti fa risparmiare un sacco di tempo!
7) Me l'aspettavo per CR la Master Mode...c'erano troppe strade chiuse!!
8) Finalmente non affoghero' piu! xD

Sembra veramente una patch interessante! Staremo a vedere!!


Prima di tutto la lista dei cambiamenti.. sotto spoiler perche' sono tante:

Set cambiamenti #1 del 9/01/2012  (aggiunta per completezza)  [spoiler]1.7 PTS-In-Progress Set #1 - 1/9/12

 * The below are, as usual for PTS, works in progress and may be changed!
 * New Chronicle! Grab a friend and disguise yourself as Endless Cultists to infiltrate and sabotage Alsbeth's plans within the River of Souls!
 * No matter who you are, you now have twice as many Expert Dungeons to play in! The two tiers of Expert Dungeon difficulty have been combined into one.
 * Sweeping improvements are in progress for gear at levels 45+. General details are listed below, with more info coming on the forums and future patch notes.

 * With this patch we're focusing on improving gear progression in endgame content. The goal is to create a smoother high-end item progression and to ensure level 50 players can be competitive in either/both PvE or PvP with a clear route of content to upgrade through.
 * The following improvements are being implemented toward this goal:
 * Content tier adjustments to better match with the items granted:
 - Intro 50 content: level 50 Dungeons, Chronicles, Rifts, and Zone Events.
 - "Tier 1": Expert Dungeons, Ember Isle, early Prestige Ranks, Expert Rifts, and Zone Events.
 - "Tier 2": Master Dungeons, entry Raids and Slivers, mid-Prestige Ranks, Raid Rifts, and Zone Events.
 - "Tier 3": Difficult Raids and Slivers, high-end Prestige Ranks.
 * Items will improve consistently between tiers of content, instead of having small improvements early on followed by huge power jumps in later tiers.
 * The overall power of a new level 50 character will be increased slightly, and the power differential for items between 50 and top-tier content will progress more evenly.

 * The biggest change in support of the above progression is the combining of Expert Dungeons to a single difficulty tier, which impacts both gear dropped as well as LFG reward categories. The rest of the level 50 Dungeons and Chronicle content will be getting minor balance tweaks and major itemization adjustments.
 * After these changes, the difficulty and rewards from content should be clearer between Chronicles/Level 50 Dungeons and Expert Dungeons.

 * A new Guardian porticulum has been completed in Gloamwood at Tearfall Run.
 * Added a new 'Lock XP' checkbox to the Interface > Misc settings pane. Checking it will stop your level 1-49 character from gaining experience until it is unchecked.
 * You can now choose to disable auto-weapon-sheathing with a new Settings option: Interface > Misc > Disable Auto Sheaths.
 * You can now use the command '/interact' to interact with an NPC you have targeted if you are unable to right-click it.
 * The background color of target casting bars now correctly indicates their interruptible (blue) or non-interruptible (gold) status during cast time for channeled abilities.
 * You can now split stacks in your bank even if your inventory is full.
 * Dismiss Pet no longer cancels Veteran Reward Vendors or Personal Bankers.
 * Applying a rune to an item now only pops a confirmation prompt if you will overwrite an existing rune.
 * Group leaders are now indicated in Raids.
 * Fixed an issue that could cause a quest-giving item to stop offering the quest, even though it hadn't yet been accepted.

 * Zone Events on Ember Isle now also grant Inscribed Sourcestone when event objectives are completed. Only players who have contributed during each event objective will receive these rewards. Some of the less difficult objectives will not be awarding Sourcestone. In order to maintain the same overall total Inscribed Sourcestone granted, the amount obtained from Colossi kills has been reduced.
 * The Invasion commander, Hardshell Nightmare, will no longer off itself after spending only a short while on Telaran soil.

 * Mage Charge is now reset to zero when changing roles.
 * Characters will no longer be taken out of stealth when their guild increases a passive Perk.


 * Rebuke: Now works more consistently on different mob types in Dungeons and Raids.

 * Deluge: Will no longer generate infinitely-looping visuals in some cases.


 * Withered Veins: The debuff will no longer persist through death.

 * Pillaging Stone: The debuff portion of Rank 1 no longer persists through death.
 * Flowing Sand: Now provides the movement speed debuff even if the target is immune to the Snare portion. Reduced the cooldown to 45 seconds from 2 minutes.

 * Disorient: The stun portion no longer persists through death.
 * Incompetence: No longer persists through death.

 * Lockdown: Will now debuff the enemy, increasing the Fire damage they take, even if they are immune to the Snare portion.

 * Storm Shard: Fixed an edge case where Storm Shard wouldn't apply the critical hit damage bonus.
 * Absolute Zero: Fixed this causing more than one next cast of Icicle or Arctic Blast to cause a root effect.
 * Electrocute: The knockback should no longer occasionally fail.
 * Fixed an issue where damage from Hailstorm and Eye of the Storm could be blocked by abilities like the Chloromancer's Wild Abandon.


 * The Attack Power contribution to the damage from Poisons has increased.
 * Leeching Poison: The Attack Power contribution to the healing from Leeching Poison has increased.

 * Blade Finesse: Functionality changed. Now increases the Attack Power bonus of your Finishers by 5-25%. This bonus is applied only to attacks using melee weapons.
 * Combat Expertise: Functionality changed. Now increases the Attack Power bonus of your Combo Point-generating abilities by 5-25%.
 * Combat Culmination: Functionality changed. Your Finishers cause Physical attacks to ignore 1-3% of the target's armor per Combo Point for 10 seconds.

 * The Attack Power contribution to the damage from weapon enchantments has been increased.

 * King of the Jungle: Now increases pet damage by 20%, increased from 10%. For every point in Ranger above 21, increases pet damage by 6% - increased from 3% per point.
 * Feral Aggression: Increases Critical Hit chance and also pet damage by 100% for 15 seconds. Cooldown reduced to 1 minute from 2.
 * Pin Down: Cooldown reduced to 1 minute from 3.
 * Diffuse: Cooldown reduced to 1 minute from 2.

 * Shadow Stalk: Using this ability should no longer put both the player and the target into combat.
 * Rift Barrier: The damage shield from Rift Guard now only reflects damage from the first tick of a DoT, in line with other damage shields in the game.
 * Planar Vortex: The damage from Planar Vortex now takes the Riftstalker out of stealth.


 * Preservation: No longer prevented from being cast on a Paladin after the original target removes it. No longer causes you to enter combat.
 * Aggressive Block: Now properly triggers Rising Waterfall.

 * Rising Waterfall: Will no longer immediately break the buff granted by Surging Energy when it critically hits.

 * Tactical Strikes: No longer affects Spotter's Order.

 * Surge: No longer ignores line of sight for threat generation.


 * Thwarting the Emberlord: Fixed an issue that could cause this quest to not reset properly.

 * Anchors to the Depths: Fixed the placement of Shrines to Ithkus that were hiding under the sands.
 * Crawl No More: The catapults should no longer be stuck in a fired position when the catapult has an active target.
 * Drakes in the Drift: There is now a teleporter to the base of the Kelari tower when the quest is completed.
 * Feline Intervention: Fixed an issue causing the Corrupted Wildstalkers to not despawn correctly if left unconscious.
 * Pyrkari at Large: Fixed an issue where the pyrkari would sometimes not despawn when brought to the cages. The lasso effect now also leaves the pyrkari if the player who lassoed them dies.
 * Raw Recruits: The reset time for the Shamblers has been significantly increased.
 * Recluse Wrangling: The devour ability of the Recluse can now consume multiple spirits at once.
 * Science Under Pressure: There's now a higher chance for the Smoldering Piles to appear in larger numbers. Stavel will also leave properly if his timer runs out.
 * The Nexus Infusion ability no longer works on the Bazaars in Ember Isle during the In Golden's Grasp event, since it doesn't actually do anything for them.

 * Notoriety items for the Waykeepers will no longer drop for Defiants.

 * Additional NPCs in Shimmersand grant a small amount of Dragonslayer Covenant reputation when killed.

 * Additional NPCs in Stillmoor grant a small amount of Order of Mathos reputation when killed.

 * Dead Drop: The Earthmaul Ward quest objective should be easier to find.
 * Notoriety items for Granite Falls will no longer drop for Guardians.

 * Targets marked by Raid leaders are now visible to players who join the raid after the mark occurs.
 * Fixed a case where a raid member could be stuck with a ready check and be unable to initiate another if they were a leader or assistant.
 * Fixed a case where a raid member logging in right at the completion of a ready check would cause incorrect results to display.

 * Cinderstorm's Molten Cinders beams now appear properly in additional attempts after a wipe.

 * Fixed some collision on Scarn's elevator shaft.

 * Added runspeed buffs to Hylas, Aleria, and Infiltrator Johlen.

 * Runebone Sorcerers' Silent Void ability no longer roots targets inside the effect for the entire duration.
 * Darktide Serpents' Brine Net ability no longer roots targets inside the effect for the entire duration.
 * Population mobs in Hammerknell award Planar Attunement experience more consistently.

 * Damage dealt by your pet is now included in your leaderboard totals.

 * Fixed a bug where some items showed a 'Vanity' category instead of 'Costume'.
 * Fixed several Planar Lens items that had their stats removed.
 * Lavaforged Helmet incorrectly had Block on it which has been removed - the points have been redistributed into Dodge and Parry.
 * The Planar Conqueror armor set is now compatible with Blighted Synergy Crystals.
 * Shimmering Windstone: Increased Dexterity.
 * Elder Chain Coif: Now properly gives Spell Critical Hit rather than Physical Critical Hit.
 * Rising Crest: No longer usable by Clerics.
 * Scarn's Hide is now tradeable and can be sold.
 * The artifacts from The Heir of Hammerknell set should now be listed in the Auction House as Collectibles rather than Quest Items.
 * Some old items related to quests that are no longer in the game are now displayed as grey-quality loot items rather than quest items.

 * Smoothed out the appearance of shadows in the distance.
 * Added proper ambience sounds to caves on Ember Isle.
 * Reduced the volume of steam geysers on Ember Isle around Scaldwater Fields and Wellspring Flats.

 * Fixed occasional tooltip titles getting stuck on-screen when a debuff appeared under the mouse cursor on the Raid UI.
 * Tracking of completed Artifact sets no longer turns off after a loading screen is displayed.
 * Switching Roles with the Soul Tree open will cancel any previewing of souls or soul point spending in progress that has not been saved.
 * Fixed a bug where sometimes the LFG window would think you were in an Instant Adventure group when you were, in fact, not.
 * Added a new splash screen after leveling up displaying your level and soul points available. The display can be clicked on to open the Soul Tree window if you are out of combat.
 * The Artifacts tab now shows the rewards to be gained from displayed Artifact sets.
 * Fixed the Artifacts tab disappearing from the character window for those crazy players who completed all Artifact sets!
 * Guild Wall: Fixed the scroll-to-top reset when deleting comments.
 * Fixed the mouse cursor not highlighting when targeting items you can salvage.
 * Defiants should no longer appear on the Guardian tabs of a Warfront leaderboard if they joined the Warfront while you were viewing that tab.
 * Corrected zone event notice broadcasts to level channels for non-English language shards.[/spoiler]

set cambiamenti #2 del 20/01/2012 [spoiler]PTS In-Progress Set #2 - 1/20/12
The below notes are *IN ADDITION* to the set previously posted here:

PTS In-Progress Set #1 - 1/9/12

 This is a pretty bulky system and is also included in this update to PTS for testing; please see details and submit feedback on the new Soul Preset system on this thread: ... 1-7-a.html

 * Player Weddings are now available for testing on PTS. At this point the wedding costumes are not yet available and expect to see some placeholder art and audio.
 * To check out the marriage rings and wedding instances (and other goodies), Defiants should visit Quichi Bora in Orphiel's Spire [Meridian], and Guardians should talk to Lada Freen in the back of Mariel-Taun's Village [Sanctum].
 * The Master Mode of Caduceus Rise is now available!

 * In the ongoing effort to more appropriately match up characters of different ranks, and give a smoother entry to high-level PvP, we will be revamping the existing Prestige system in 1.7. The below are some initial changes currently in testing, with more to come over the following weeks. As usual, the below info may change prior to the patch going to live shards.
 * The Prestige system has expanded from 8 ranks to 40 - existing ranks will be converted to the appropriate rank on the updated scale.
 * Bolstering is now enabled for level 50 Warfronts. Players entering a level 50 Warfront below Rank 13 will have their stats boosted to be more effective for both rank-appropriate and mixed-rank Warfronts.
 * Marks of Retribution gained from closing PvP Rifts and completing weekly quests are now consumables that grant 1600 Favor.
 * Existing Marks of Retribution have been converted back to Favor at 1600 Favor per Mark. Players who find themselves exceeding the current Favor cap after the conversion will need to spend that excess Favor and get below the cap before more can be earned.
 * Reinforced Crystallized Insight is now available for purchase from Girdoom in Meridian and Templar Zim in Sanctum. These consumables grant 100,000 Planar Attunement experience at a cost of 15,000 Favor.
 * Characters with excessively high armor mitigation for their Calling at level 50 will have the effectiveness of that mitigation reduced in PvP. The net result is increased Physical DPS in PvP as compared to live against highly equipped targets. The mitigation reduction is shown in the tooltip when mousing over your Character Sheet's armor stat.
 * PvP Rifts: To encourage open-world PvP hotspots, only one PvP Rift can now be active at one time across all zones. Sealing a PvP Rift now grants a buff to your entire faction, 'Prismatic Glory', which increases Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Endurance by 10, as well as increasing Prestige, Favor, and Planar Attunement experience gains by 5%.
 * Removed grey-item drops from player corpses, and significantly increased coin drops.

 * With 1.7, the PvP-specific Souls have been converted into a Planar Attunement-based character enhancement.
 * A large amount of Planar Attunement experience is granted each time you gain a Rank in PvP. Yes, this will be granted retroactively for ranks already gained.
 * The Achievement, 'I've Got Soul and I Am a Soldier" is now a Legacy Achievement. [If you're reading these notes on the PTS forum, that means you have time to go pick up your PvP Soul to obtain this achievement before it gets phased out in 1.7!]

 * Removed Rank requirements from all PvP armor sets. You still need to purchase sets sequentially, but the limiting factor is now total Favor gained rather than rank.
 * PvP weapons and Synergy Crystals will still require specific ranks to purchase and equip.
 * PvP Synergy Crystals have a reduced notoriety requirement to equip. A new set requiring Rank 40 and Revered with the Order of the Eye or The Unseen has been added.
 * The previously-Rank 3 and Rank 4 gear is now available without prior purchase requirements.
 * The previously-Rank 7 and Rank 8 armor has been upgraded to include Vengeance, and the amount of Critical Hit on it reduced slightly.
 * PvP Armor merchants now stock Bows for Defiants and Guns for Guardians.
 * PvP Armor set merchants now display items filtered by Calling. Filtering can still be disabled if you'd like to purchase items designed for other Callings.
 * Costume versions of PvP Rank armor are now available from Desma Chontos in Meridian, and Templar Sanzo in Sanctum. These still have rank requirements to equip.

 * Currently in testing on PTS: In order to reduce queue times to as near-zero as possible, players can join the opposing faction's Warfront team as a "Mercenary".
 * Right now, on PTS, you queue for Warfronts as normal and may be assigned as a Mercenary when the Warfront map loads. You'll receive a Mercenary buff and on-screen callout and will be placed as part of the opposite faction's team.

 * A sixth role is now available for purchase! PTS BUG: Right now you can buy the sixth role but it isn't appearing properly on the Soul Tree UI, so you'll see that it's available but can't use it properly yet! We'll be fixing this.
 * You know all those times you hit 'Leave Party' instead of 'Ready Check'? Yeah, Leave Party got moved down to the bottom of the menu list.
 * Increased the available Wardrobe slots to 5.
 * The hit points and damage dealt has been reduced on normal mobs from levels 1-17.
 * Mobs now run slightly slower than players in Terminus, Mathosia, Silverwood, Gloamwood, Freemarch, and Stonefield.
 * Characters under the effect of any type of Mind Control ability are no longer able to enter new instances - Chronicles, Dungeons, Warfronts, Slivers, or Raids.
 * Doubled the duration and removed the 2 minute cooldown on Omen Sight and Quantum Sight.
 * The maximum water depth that you can ride your mount in has been increased and made consistent across all player races. Female Dwarves should notice the biggest overall boost, while Bahmi males should see only a slight difference.
 * The guild perk Blood Thirsty will no longer be removed by triggering Killing Spree.
 * While in a LFG-formed random Expert group for an instance you already have a normal lockout for, you no longer get locked from your random version if disconnected before the first boss.

 * Added Eternal Crystallized Insight, a new item that grants 100,000 Planar Attunement experience when consumed.
 * Expert Dungeon, Raid, and Planar Goods merchants will now sell Eternal Crystallized Insight for their respective currencies.
 * Players can now visit the Crafting Specialty Goods merchants to exchange Artisan Marks for Master Crafter Marks.
 * You can now purchase Augment boxes for Artisan Marks instead of Planarite from the Crafting Specialty Goods merchant.
 * Augment boxed now award special stat and dual-stat Augments more frequently.
 * Added Exceptional Augment Boxes that contain Epic Augments to the Crafting Specialty Goods merchants.

 * Mage and Cleric abilities that are low-ranked compared to your level now always use the ability cost of one rank below the max currently available to you. This won't change costs for characters who've trained up their abilities to current rank as they level.
 * Many tooltip clarity updates for abilities on Souls.
 * Planar Attunement: Fixed a case where weapon-based stat bonuses from Planar Attunement could be lost and not appropriately granted when changing equipment.


 * Dark Passage: Now teleports 10 meters forward.

 * Trickster Spirit, Slothful Spirit, Spiteful Spirit: These have all been changed to spells that deal Earth damage at a 30-meter range.
 * Eruption of Life: Now triggers off of any damage.
 * Faerie Healing: Increased the amount healed.
 * Faerie's Favor: Now instant-cast. Increased the healing amount. Now affects up to 4 additional party or raid members within a 20 meter radius if cast by the Greater Faerie.
 * Mead Rush: New ability usable by the Satyr. The Satyr charges at the enemy for a damaging strike. 10 second cooldown. Also, MMMEEEAAAADDD!!
 * Fury of the Fae: The Satyr will now autocast this even when out of combat.

 * Corporal Punishment: Duration is now 12 seconds.

 * Reprieve: Increased the bonus from Spell Power.
 * Light Makes Right: Now works properly immediately after being purchased.
 * Healer's Creed: Now increases the healing you receive by 5-10%.

 * Surging Flames: The triggered heal now has a 20 meter radius.
 * Divine Cascade: Ability removed.
 * Gathering of the Ancestors: New spell available at 38 points. Places an absorption shield on up to 10 party or raid members within 35 meters. Cannot be applied again on the same target for 20 seconds - this is a separate ability blocker from the Ward of the Ancestors single-target shield. 30 second cooldown.
 * Rise of the Phoenix: New spell available at 44 points. Resurrects the target with 50% health and mana, can be used in combat. 5 minute cooldown.
 * Item: Asphodel's Purifier Crystal: 4-piece bonus now reduces damage taken by 7% for 10 seconds. This effect now overwrites and cannot be overwritten by Protect the Flock.

 * Healing Communion, Healing Benediction: Both spells now have a 20-meter radius.
 * Marked by the Light: Now has a 15-meter radius.
 * Life's Return: Cooldown is now 5 minutes.

 * Battle Charge: Reduced cooldown to 10 seconds.
 * Brutalize: Now deals 30-60% of Massive Blow's damage over 10 seconds. Reduced maximum stack size to 3.
 * Dauntless Courage: Now affects all melee damage.
 * Vengeance of the Frozen Earth: Ability removed.
 * Ekkehard's Invocation: New ability available after spending 15 points in Shaman. Instant-cast ranged spell that deals Air damage.
 * Favored of the Valnir: Now increases the duration of Lightning by 4-8 seconds, causing increased damage on each additional tick.

 * Healing Showers, Orbs of the Tide: Both abilities now have a 20-meter radius.
 * Healing Cataract: Now has a 25-meter radius and affects up to 10 party or raid members.
 * Cascade: No longer has a mana cost.
 * River of Life: New spell available at 44 points; resurrects the target with 50% health and mana, can be used in combat. 5 minute cooldown.
 * Ripple: Now has a 20-meter radius.
 * Waterjet: Reduced the benefit given to this spell by Spell Power.


 * Wild Abandon: Fixed a case where this ability could break certain boss mob roots and snares when it shouldn't be able to.

 * Flash Freeze: This will now deal damage even if the target is immune to the root portion of the ability.

 * Item: Nyx's Warlock Crystal: Updated the 4-piece set bonus. It now reduces the cooldown of Empowered Darkness by 15 seconds, and casting Defile increases the total damage of your damage-over-time effects by 15% for 20 seconds.


 * Expose Weakness: Fixed a bug where the damage increase from Exposed Weakness was not applied to all three stacks of Serrated Blades' damage.

 * Blade and Fury: Your Quick Strike and Precision Strike increase the damage of your next Keen Strike by 10-20%, up from 5-10%.
 * Deadly Dance: Can now be triggered by Compound Attack.

 * Dusk to Dawn: This is no longer a channeled ability but a straight damage-over-time ability. Now awards 2 Combo Points when used and does not give additional Combo Points per second. Energy cost reduced to 45 from 60. Cooldown reduced to 45 seconds from 1 minute. Damage has been reduced.

 * Power regeneration rate has been increased.
 * Disarm abilities now properly block abilities that require either Ranged or Melee weapons.
 * Bash, Furious Rage, Flinching Strike, and Face Slam no longer have multiple ranks to upgrade.

 * Calming Influence: Now obtained at 20 points in Beastmaster. Now puts a single target to sleep for 45 seconds - the target must not be in combat at the time of the effect. Any damage on the target removes Calming Influence. Only 1 target can be under Calming Influence at a time.
 * Primal Rage - New Ability: Increases the damage of attack abilities for the Beastmaster and their pet by 7% per Bleed effect on the target. Duration is increased by the number of attack points when used. Obtained at 44 points in Beastmaster.
 * Enraged Companion: Aura now grants a 7% bonus, increased from 5%, and overwrites the Reaver's Enraged Essence.

 * Spell Sunder: Now checks for line of sight.

 * Guild Quest: Upping the Ante: Should now always give credit if a Rift is closed by a guildmember.
 * Fixed the level requirements on various level 20-29 Earth Rift reward items.
 * 'Puresource' type reward containers now stack to 99.

 * If an Adventure Group is waiting for a new chain of adventures to start, the teleport invitation for new group members now waits for the start of the next set.
 * The ability 'Crushing Earth' used by Hazeed's Sorrow, Thargwar, and Milgrid the Terrible should be much less punishing now.


 * A new porticulum has been constructed in Fallback!

 * Returning the Spirit: Fixed a case where players would be unable to obtain the Blessed Water.

 * Dead Water: The mobs inside the cave you enter on this quest now have a longer respawn time.

 * Fall of House Aelfwar: Quest should no longer get blocked sometimes by a nearby foothold.
 * A Temporary Solution: Players can now get a Pinch of Sourcestone Powder at any time while on this quest.

 * The zone event 'The Blight' should now properly award Glowing Puresource for participants who are on the quests Shield of the Land or Frontlines of the Planes.
 * One With Nature: The Aelfwar House Signet item is now properly removed from players when this quest is completed.
 * Monster Hunter of Stillmoor: Now has additional item rewards available.

 * A Failure of Leadership: Quest location markers for this quest have been corrected.

 * If your invitation to teleport to an instance fails because it is full, group/raid members can now trigger the teleport prompt an additional time by re-zoning into the instance.
 * Expert and Master Dungeons, Raid Rifts, Slivers, and Raids: Reduced the critical hit damage bonus that most 'regular' NPCs get when they critically hit a target with insufficient Toughness. In effect, non-tanks should be less likely to be absolutely gutted when taking a critical hit by a general-population NPC in these areas.

 * Fixed the achievement, Bloody Bothersome, that was triggering incorrectly in Expert mode.
 * Expert: The Rapid Assault achievement should now award properly in both Caduceus Rise and Upper Caduceus Rise.
 * Increased Caduceus' health. Slightly decreased the health of Erupted Core. Drastically decreased the health of Erupted Ember.

 * Players who have been polymorphed by Hydriss should no longer get pushed outside of the encounter area by the Tsunami ability.

 * Shadow of Metamorphosis should now properly end if you leave the zone while under the effect.

 * Costume versions of PvP Rank armor are now available from Desma Chontos in Meridian, and Templar Sanzo in Sanctum. These still have rank requirements to purchase.
 * Amplified Soulstone: Now properly increases damage from Elemental Touch.
 * Golem Inductor: Will now proc slightly more often.
 * Vornia's Chain Spaulders, Notched Weapon, Maelforge Acolyte's Hat, and Maelforge Acolyte's Slippers now all have proper NPC sale values.
 * Adjusted the NPC sale amount of Staff of Eruptions and Searing Obsidian Dagger.
 * Updated the description text on Marks of Ascension and Greater Marks of Ascension.

 * Crafting will now use items directly from your bank – No need to swap a bunch of items around before heading over to the crafting stations!
 * Artificer: The recipes for Diamond Focus and Diamond Icon have been changed from consuming 8 Brilliant Diamond and 4 Jagged Lightstone; they now require 1 Brilliant Diamond and 8 Orichalcum Bars.
 * Carmintium Spellcutter: The recipe and resulting item have both been renamed to Orichalcum Spellcutter to match the actually-required materials.
 * Apothecary: The recipe for Mighty Intelligence Serum now requires 2 Basiliskweed Stems rather than 4.

 * Added some visual effect improvements for the low-quality renderer.
 * Fixed ambient volume in Droughtlands not being correctly raised/lowered by whatever your Ambient Audio volume is set to.
 * Mounts have more audio variety at audio and are not so silent!

 * Fixed the Warfront UI window being blank while your character is mind controlled.
 * Your current target is now indicated by an icon on the minimap and main map. The icon will show red, yellow, or green, depending on whether the target is hostile, neutral, or friendly.
 * Guild Perk reset charges are now shown in the Guild Bank currency log.
 * Fixed the 'receive item' spam in the chat window when combining stacks between your inventory and your bank.
 * Right-clicking on the party pet raid frame when using Show Party As Raid mode now shows the proper right-click menu.
 * Party member selection hotkeys (default F1-F5) now work properly when your party is displayed as a raid.
 * Raid member UI should be a bit better with displaying the state of logged out or AFK members.
 * Fixed a loot confirmation popup sometimes appearing if you were grouped while looting an already-owned container (like the Rift Loot bag).
 * Planar Attunement experience rewards for Achievements are now shown on the Achievement UI.
 * If you get disconnected due to your shard being down, we now show a message letting you know this, instead of surprising you with a different shard's character select screen.
 * Target tooltips now show Elite for group and raid encounter NPCs.
 * Tweaked the ability tooltips when mousing over abilities in the Soul Tree window; they now show ability stats like cooldown and mana costs in the tooltip.
 * Tooltips for abilities with cooldowns now use abbreviated cooldown duration text.
 * Updated the character selection screen with faction-sorted and colored Character listings.
 * You can now preview various armor sets at character creation to have an idea of what your character will look like in different types of gear![/spoiler]

Set cambiamenti #3 del 25/01/2012 [spoiler]1.7 In-Progress Set #3 - 1/25/12
 * Mounting now cancels auto-attack, preventing you from accidentally dismounting due to an attack firing.

 * Reduced the mana cost of Area-of-Effect Heals.

 * Reparation: Now able to heal other party/raid members using Reparation. Healing from Reparation will not affect players with Mien of Honor currently active.


 * Lightning Burst: No longer has a damage penalty in PvP.

 * Degeneration: Ability added to the Dominator soul, obtained at 10 points. Now has a 15 second cooldown and can affect NPCs.

 * Burning Bright: No longer gives separate bonuses for PvE and PvP.
 * Cinder Burst: Damage now reduced by 15% in PvP, instead of a 20% reduction.
 * Fulminate: Damage now reduced by 15% in PvP, instead of 20%.
 * Inferno: Now gives 10 Charge when cast.

 * Warfronts: The quests given in Port Scion are now automatically removed when your character leaves the Warfront.
 * Warfront: Stockpile - Black Garden: The leaderboard now displays the number of stones you've carried throughout the game properly.
 * Coin is now granted for completing Warfronts.
 * Rank 25 and Rank 36 Two-Handed Swords now available for Defiants.
 * Rank 25 and Rank 36 Axes now available for Guardians.

 * Characters of level 47+ now have a choice between 3 Plaques of Achievement or a random blue-quality item when they complete a random standard dungeon via LFG.
 * New epic-quality loot has been added to the Chronicles for Greenscale's Blight, Hammerknell, and River of Souls.
 * Sub-bosses in the Greenscale's Blight Chronicle now drop Plaques of Achievement.
 * New epic-quality loot has been added to standard Abyssal Precipice, standard Charmer's Caldera, and standard Caduceus Rise.
 * End bosses in standard Abyssal Precipice, Charmer's Caldera, and Caduceus Rise now drop Plaques of Achievement when defeated.

 * Rift-type content now takes gear into consideration when scaling, and will be slightly more difficult in the presence of highly geared characters.

 * Additional Planar Attunement experience is now granted for level 50 characters doing Instant Adventure.

 * Added a tutorial tip for new arrivals to Ember Isle that gives a heads-up about the potential difficulty of content on the island.

 * Set Leader, Promote Assistant, and Demote Assistant menu options are now available through the Raid UI right-click menu while in Warfronts.
 * Promote Assistant and Demote Assistant menu options are now available in the right-click menu on target, party, or raid member displays.
 * The Abilities listing in the menu tray now glows when you have untrained abilities.
 * Tooltips now properly display whether an ability is a ranged or melee effect based on the ability's use range and not general category.

 * If you use the Randomize button after making changes to the character you are creating, there's now a warning prompt before it changes any settings.

 * Fixed the Way of Water trinket.
 * Earth Burst should now show the proper values when looking at the effect tooltip.
 * Purifier - PTS FIX: Rise of the Phoenix - now known as Flash of the Phoenix.
 * Purifier - PTS FIX: Gathering of the Ancestors: Now has an actual 30 second cooldown.

 * Fixed removal of PvP souls on inactive roles.
 * Reduced the bonuses granted from Rank 40 PvP Synergy Crystals.
 * PvP Planar Attunement Changes:
 - Berserker Defense: Removed Armor buff, added 2% damage reduction.
 - Grip Like Steel: Duration of disarm effects reduced by 10% per point.
 - Guard: Updated tooltip to indicate that it only works in PvP combat.
 - Last Gasp: Duration of silence effects reduced by 10% per point.
 - Phase Shift: Replaced with Rune Shield.
 - Resilient: Critical reduction now 1% per point spent.
 - Take Cover: Damage reduction now 2% per point spent.
 - Thunderous Leap: Removed stun component and replaced with an interrupt.
 - Total Defiance: Renamed to Total Defense.
 - Strength of Will: Duration of stun effects reduced by 10% per point.[/spoiler]

Ve ne segnalo un paio:

- sesto slot per i ruoli.. finalmente potremo andare in girocon una build in piu'
- gradi novita' per il pvp.. passaggio a 40 livelli con buff per chi inizia e limiti nella riduzione da danni derivata dall'armatura per chi ne ha troppa, i PVP rift partiranno uno per volta e chi chiudera' il rift dara' un buffa tutta la sua fazione, 10 in int, wisdom, dex e endurance per il pve e 5% in piu' di guadagno come favor, prestige e esperienza di planar attunement per il PVP
- tolta la soul pvp, nel planar attunement ci sara' un ramo PVP diverso per ogni specializzazione dove verranno trasferite le abilita' che prima erano nella soul PVP, i punti esperienza potranno essere spesi in questa o in una degli altri rami PA
- sara' possibile joinare i warfront come "Mercenari" e combattere per la fazione opposta... avete mai sognato di giocare con i Defiant? Ora potete farlo :D
- Ci si potra' sposare :D, iniziate a fare gli occhi dolci ai vostri compagni di gilda :p
- il craft funzionera' con i materiali presenti nella vostra banca.. non ci sara' piu' bisogno di andare a prendere i materiali e poi posare quelli in eccesso.. si va direttamente dagli utensili e si crafta
- Sara' abilitato il Master Mode per Caduceus Rise
- modificata la gestione dell'altezza dell'acqua quando si cavalca.. non ci saranno piu' nani che affogano nelle pozzanghere e vengono disarcionati :D

Inoltre per chi si e' sempre trovato in difficolta' a scegliere dove mettere i punti con le soul saranno disponibili dei preset. presi dalle migliori soul consigliate sul forum.
In pratica sara possibile scegliere in che tipo di specializzazione si vuole creare la build (ad esempio dps) e ci saranno "proposte" di combinazioni di soul con il percorso dove devono essere messi i punti evidenziato.
Se si vuole seguire i consigli bastera' inserire i punti mentre se ci si vuole discostare dal percorso consigliato per provare combinazioni nuove sara' possibile farlo e le parti evidenziate saranno disattivate.
Ottimo per chi comincia e per chi vuole provare velocemente delle combinazioni nuove e confrontarle con quelle che sta utilizzando. ... 1-7-a.html

Questa promette di essere una patch epocale :D
[align=center]DON\'T PANIC[/align]
[align=center]The doctor is IN (psychiatric help 5c)[/align]