I nuovi account

Aperto da Trilly, Dicembre 02, 2010, 03:34:46 PM

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Come molti di voi sapranno, da quanche settimana è possibile iscriversi su Second Life scegliendo il solo nome senza quindi associarlo ad uno dei  cognomi in lista, com'era in passato.

Questo significa che i Linden hanno esaurito la fantasia :lol:

Questo significa anche grande caos...
Da un paio di giorni gira iw tra i designer una nota che punta ad evitare che dei burloni possano utilizzare i nostri brand per fini diversi o concorrenti al nostro.

Questo è il testo orginale.
Some of you may have already noticed this, but I found out just tonight that Linden Lab has finally done away with last names for avatars. Only single names are now allowed for usernames.

(Going off on a tangent:  if you still really want a last name, it might be possible through one of the portals listed here:  http://slnamewatch.com/portals.php)

    ? Why should business owners take note of this?

Stores with one-word names especially should take note.

I created a new avatar named POSEUR, which is also the name of my pose store. After I registered the new name/avatar, I did a search in-world for the term "poseur" and was surprised to see that my new avatar's profile was the very FIRST search result.

It's unfortunate, but there are some unscrupulous people out there who might see this as an opportunity to "smear" existing businesses by creating an avatar with a name identical to their stores. :(  Because of this, I think it's a good idea to protect your business, and register a new avatar with your store's name. This way you retain control over what is written in that profile.

    ? How to create an avatar named after your store?

Simple, you're just basically creating a new alt account. Go to the secondlife.com website and go to the Join Now page (you may need to log out first). You'll be prompted to choose a name, and it will NOT give you the option to select a last name. Last names are now a thing of the past!

Choose your store name for your new alt, and go through the usual process of creating a new avatar. That's it!

    ? Are there some limitations?

Yes. You cannot put a space in your name, and your name must be 2 to 31 characters long.
Also, this might seem obvious, but you can't register a name if it already belongs to someone as their full name. For example, if you own a store named Chocolate Chip Mint and intend to register ChocolateChipMint, you're out of luck: there's already an avatar with the name ChocolateChip Mint.

Seguirà traduzione per i non pratici della lingua, anche se è abbastanza intuitivo :p